
Calendar Boy (KLance) - April

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April - "You're the Easter Bunny when you smile"

This was happening.  This was definitely happening.  Keith was going to have Easter lunch with Lance’s family, and he was going to tell them that he and Keith were dating.

Why did he feel so nervous about this?  He’d met them before, they were nice people.

His phone chimed as he walked up the sidewalk to the house owned by the McClains.

Shiro: Hope you have a good time at Lance's; I'm here if you need me.  Happy Easter.  Keith: Thanks, Shiro.  Have a good Easter.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and made a beeline for the front door.  He took a moment to check himself over before he rang the buzzer, between it being a religious holiday for some and wanting to make a good impression, Keith had dressed in smart black trousers, a red button-down shirt, and he’d tied his hair into a short ponytail.

Steeling himself for the oncoming emotional ride, he took a deep breath and exhaled.

The door was opened by a large guy wearing a smart ensemble that seemed ill-fitting on him.  Lance’s brother Luiz shared the same shade of skin, and pecan-coloured hair (complete with matching goatee), but unlike his youngest brother, he was larger and stockier in frame and build.

“Keith!” Luiz smiled in greeting.  "Good timing, Lunch is almost out.“

"Hey, good to see you, Luiz.” The raven-haired man greeted in return as he was let into the front hall of the house.  "How’s Veronica?“

Luiz beamed at the mention of his sister.  "She’s good, missing us horribly because of her deployment, but she says she’s getting along fine.  She’s hoping to have leave for the fourth.”

Keith nodded in understanding, Lance had mentioned at some point in the past that she was deployed overseas on the USS Wasp.  "I need to help Aba in the kitchen; I think Lance is with Rachel in the living room.“

Keith watched Lance’s brother disappear, before he moved on to the doorway to the living room.

The living room was in a state of controlled chaos, overseeing the anarchy was Rachel McClain.  Like Lance and Luiz, they shared the same golden shade of skin and pecan hair, and unlike Luiz, she and Lance were similarly skinny in physique.  She let out a similar laugh to her brother as she watched what was going down on the living room rug.

Lance was sprawled on his back, being tickled to death by his nephew Silvio, his niece Nadia, and Blanco, their black Labrador.

In truth, Keith was quite happy to leave Lance lying there in torment by his respective family members, but the instant the other young man spotted his boyfriend by the door, he broke into a smile and sat up.  After a few minutes of apologising to the youngest members of the McClain clan, and profusely promising he’d play with them more later, he ambled over to greet Keith.

"Hey.” He smiled, although he hovered a little awkwardly.  It was obvious he wanted to give Keith a hug, but he was also making an effort to keep things rated G for General Audiences until he’d had a chance to talk to his family.  "You look good.“ He whispered.

"You too.” Keith returned with a smile.  Lance was wearing black trousers, and a dark grey and white jumper over a untucked blue button-down shirt.  Keith had learned over the past four months that Lance made an effort to dress up for family occasions and holidays.

“Keith!  Happy Easter!” Rachel called from the couch.  Silvio, Nadia and Blanco were now playing between themselves on the rug.

“Hey, Rachel.  Happy Easter” He greeted with a half-smile as he and Lance approached.  "How’re you?“ There were times Keith wished he was better at small talk.

"I’m good, thanks.  The magazine internship I’m on is challenging… But I’m enjoying it.”

“She’s playing it down.” Lance interjected.  "There’s talk they’ll be taking her on full-time.“

"They’re thinking of taking me on, or the other intern.” She elaborated.  "Things going well for you?“

"The same, I guess?  Still working at the shop with my brother.”

“Still enjoying it?”

Keith shrugged. “Sure.”

She nodded.  "Well, I hope we get to see a bit more of you around here.  Lance has brought Hunk and Pidge over so often it only seems fair you get to do the same.“

Keith and Lance shared a look between each other.  "You guys probably will be seeing a bit more of Keith in the near future…”

The talk had been quiet, and hesitant, but it’d gone well.  Rachel was officially the first member of Lance’s family to know that he and Keith were dating, and she gave him an affectionate sisterly smile as she hugged him.

“I’m so proud of you.” She whispered to him.  She then turned to Keith.  "I’m happy for you guys.“

They’d considered whether they should tell Silvio and Nadia, seeing as they were in the same room, but it seemed that the children had completely missed the change in tone in the conversation… They’d been far more occupied with playing with Blanco, who was happy to lap up the attention.

"Okay, anyone not seen carrying a plate in the next ten seconds will not be fed.” A voice called from the kitchen, and the formidable presence of Lance’s maternal grandmother materialised at the doorway, clutching a bowl of chicken and rice.

Her hair had lost its shade to the snowy white of age and wisdom, and her blue eyes were nestled behind a pair of oval eyeglasses.  Whilst the majority of her family were wearing blues or greens, she preferred shades of burgundy and lilac in her skirt and cardigan.

Of the various gathered members of the McClain family, she was by far the shortest of all the adults, and yet her short frame contained a considerable personality that had put a respective fear in every child to come after her.

It wasn’t a fear of physical or emotional abuse; it was a fear of having one’s ear talked off until you did what she felt was right.  And as fearful as she could be when the situation required it, she could also be the most loving woman you could meet who didn’t happen to be your own mother.

And she loved to have guests.

“You must be Lance’s friend, Keith?”

He nodded.  "Yes, ma'am.“

"It’s lovely to have you here.” She smiled in greeting.  "Would you be a dear and put this on the table for me?“

Lance fired Keith a knowing look, but kept his mouth shut in a tight smile.  "I’d be happy to.” He then settled the bowl of chicken and rice on the table set up in the the space that doubled as the dining room, homework area, and computer room (as Lance had explained it).

As Keith took a glance over the meal that was being assembled on the daffodil-yellow tablecloth, Lance whispered into his ear as he began to set the cutlery.  "She must like you, only the very special are trusted to carry Meemaw’s cooking to the table.“

Keith smirked in response.  "Guess you’re not that special, huh?”

Lance glowered.  "I have forks and I’m not afraid to use them.“

In addition to the chicken and rice (Also known as Arroz con Pollo), Easter lunch had also featured carrots, broccoli, croquets, tomatoes, avocado and onion salad, and Plantain Chips.

With everyone gathered at the table, Lance’s grandmother smiled and addressed the gathered McClains, plus guest.

Salud, buen provecho!

”‘Health, bon appétit’.“ Lance translated in whisper, to Keith’s gratitude.  The meal itself took on something similar to a self-serve buffet, with diners free to take as little or as much from the offered bowls and plates.  As each dish and offering rotated clockwise around the table, Lance made recommendations as he loaded his own plate.

As the most senior and honoured member of the family, Lance’s grandmother was sat at the head of the dining table, with Keith immediately to her right, and Lance sat to Keith’s right.  Across from Keith and Lance was Lance’s mother Daniela, who was lighter in skin tone, but shared the same shade of pecan hair and eyes with her son.  To Daniela’s left was Lance’s paternal grandfather, Nicolás, followed by Luiz and his wife, Lisa.

Rachel was sat at the foot of the table, with Nadia and Silvio sat to her left and Lance’s right.

Of those gathered at the table, Nicolás had the most prominent facial hair, something that was playfully pointed out by himself as compensation for his widow’s peak.

The children chattered excitedly between mouthfuls of food from their spiritual homeland, whilst the adults caught up with how their respective relations were getting along, including Lance’s brother Marco, who was had videocalled the family earlier in the day to send his greetings whilst travelling on his gap year.

Inevitably the conversation turned to Keith.

"It’s lovely having you here, Keith.” Daniela smiled warmly.  "Are you finding everything okay?“

Keith nodded with a smile as he swallowed his food.  "It’s delicious, thank you Mrs. McClain… And Mrs. Lozano.” He thanked both Lance’s mother and grandmother respectively.

Julieta Lozano beamed from her chair.  "Polite and well-mannered, this one’s a keeper.“ Lance quickly glanced towards his grandmother; Keith just caught the panicked look before he masked it.

"A ‘keeper’, Meemaw?”

“A friend not to let go of, like the boy with the bandanna, and the small one with the glasses.”

Lance gave more of a relieved smile.  "Yeah, he’s as good a friend as Hunk and Pidge.“

"You’re welcome here any time.” Daniela invited.

“Thank you, Mrs. McClain.” Keith smiled.

The end of Easter lunch was topped off with Arroz con Leche, and a round of sponge cakes that looked like shells, which Lance explained were called 'Madeleine’.  Lance’s mother and Grandmother conversed contentedly as Daniela’s children tidied away the remains of lunch.  Lance was in the midst of leading Keith towards the living room, where the rest of his family were settling, when a polite cough caught their attention.

“Lance?  Could I borrow you for a moment?  Mamá would like to speak with you.”

The casual smile on Lance’s face shifted to a surprised frown.  He turned back to Keith.  "You might as well join the others, I’ll-“

"She’d like to talk with Keith as well.”

The two young men shared a concerned look, before they returned to the dining room with Lance’s mother at their side.

Julieta Lozano was sat comfortably in her chair, sipping a ruby-coloured drink with ice, which Keith later learned was Agua de Jamaica.  The afternoon sunlight streaming in from the window seemed to make her glow, and Keith was suddenly reminded of the scene with Marlon Brando from The Godfather.  The young men each sat down to Julieta’s right, while Daniela sat opposite, on her mother’s left.

The white-haired woman smiled warmly as they took their seats.  "I promise this won’t take long, I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity.“

Lance looked between his mother and his grandmother.  "Sure.” He responded hesitantly.

“How long have you been seeing this lovely young man, Lance?”

Lance’s eyes widened, and incriminatingly darted to look at Keith before he returned his gaze to his grandmother.  Keith stiffened in his chair.

“I… Uh…” The youngest McClain in the room stumbled.  "We've…" He breathed out to calm his nerves.  "We’ve been friends for about three years, but we’ve only been more than friends since January.“  After a moment he then asked: "How did you know?  Did Rachel tell you?”

Julieta reached out and squeezed his hand affectionately.  "Rachel kept your confidence.  There was something in the way you looked at him; it reminded me of how your Belo used to look at me.“ She explained.  She then turned her attention to Keith.  "Is he treating you well?”

Lance turned to face Keith, and Daniela looked on with interest.  The black-haired man shifted consciously in his seat.  "Lance… Lance has had more patience for me then I think I deserve.  I haven’t had as much relationship experience as him.“

Julieta nodded in understanding.  "Do you feel the same way for my grandson as he clearly feels for you?”

Keith let his gaze linger on Lance.  He smiled as he answered.  "Yeah.  I think so.“

Julieta nodded.  "And what are your intentions for my grandson?”

Lance blanched again, and his mother turned a flat look on her mother.  "Mamá!“

Julieta raised her hands in defence.  "He is my favourite grandson, and he has had his heart broken too many times… I just want to make sure that Keith won’t hurt him like he has been hurt before.  Is that right, Keith?”

Lance would’ve laughed at the deer in the headlights look on Keith’s face, were he not have responded in kind if asked the same thing.  "Yes ma'am.“

Lance licked his lips and interjected: "Keith wouldn’t do that to me.”

Julieta’s gaze shifted to Keith.

“Lance is… He’s the first proper relationship I’ve had, and I care a lot about him.  More than I have the words for.” He admitted.  Beneath the surface of the table, Lance’s hand snaked to encompass Keith’s.

Julieta considered what Keith had said like an appraiser judging the authenticity of a necklace.  Eventually she shone with that brazier of affection.  "Then that’s all that matters.“

She took another sip from her drink, and rose to stand.  Lance, Keith and Daniela followed suit, and Lance’s grandmother moved around the table to approach her grandson and his boyfriend.  She took a hand from each of them in hers.  ”Toda mi felicidad y suerte para ustedes dos.“ She smiled.

Keith and Lance were sat on a wrought-iron bench that stood on the brick-paved patio at the back of the house, sitting in satisfied comfort and staring out across the backyard.  As the afternoon had progressed, they’d told each relation in turn about their relationship.  With some consultation with Lance’s mother, Lisa and Luiz, they explained their relationship to Silvio and Nadia.

Now that the sun was setting, and Luiz’s family had ventured home for the day, things were starting to quieten down.

"Easter isn’t usually this dramatic.” Lance admitted.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“But… I’m glad you were there with me.”

The black-haired man gave him a small smile.  "Thanks for the hand thing… When she was asking me.“

Lance pressed a soft kiss against Keith’s lips.  "Anytime.”

Keith thought back a little more on the post-lunch talk. “What did your grandmother say?  That Spanish phrase?”

“It’s kinda a personal blessing of hers.  It’s something like 'All my happiness and luck to you’.”

Keith reflected on that with a smile.  He suddenly began to dig a hand into his trouser pocket, as if he’d suddenly remembered something urgent.  "I meant to give this to you earlier, sorry if it’s a bit melted now.“ It was a small Easter egg, wrapped in shiny blue paper.

"Babe.  You didn’t have to.” Lance remarked as he accepted the gift.  "But thanks.“

"No problem.” Keith shrugged.

“So does this make you the Easter Bunny?”

Keith scrunched up his nose.  "Not really.“

"But I can call you 'bunny’ now; would you deny me such a cute pet name for you?”

“Yes.” Keith said matter-of-factly.  "Besides, you’re more like the Easter Bunny when you smile.“

Lance weight up the point.  "Fine.” He shrugged, and he placed another kiss on his boyfriend’s lips.

He valiantly tried to unwrap the egg with just one hand, but after a while and a roll of his eyes, Keith took pity on his boyfriend and helped him unwrap the chocolate treat.

Twelve months, twelve snippets in the lives of Keith and Lance as they traverse 2018. Keith doesn't normally celebrate Easter in any official or formal capacity, and now he's navigating unknown waters as he spends Easter Sunday with Lance and his family.

Author's Edit: Following additional information about Lance's family that was revealed in season 8, I've subsequently revised the chapter to more accurately reflect the show's depiction of the dynamic.

January - February - March - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Inspired by Neil Sedaka's Calendar Girl, and Dee Dee Sharp's Calendar Boy cover - each chapter's plot is prompted by the lyrics of the songs (with some creative interpretation for a couple of the months).
© 2018 - 2024 kingpin1055
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